Corporate Tax Services
LevitZacks offers the following Corporate Tax Services:
- Assessing the tax impact of currency fluctuations
- Controlled foreign corporations
- Due diligence for mergers and acquisitions
- Exchange controls and repatriation of capital and profits
- Federal, state and local tax compliance for foreign owners of U.S. businesses
- Foreign-Derived Intangible Income (FDII) deduction
- Foreign tax credits
- Global Intangible Low Taxed Income (GILTI) tax planning
- Joint ventures with foreign partners
- Licensing and maximizing after-tax royalty income
- Mergers, acquisitions and reorganizations in a multinational context
- Repatriation planning
- Strategic planning, including issues such as choice of country or legal entity
- Transactions with foreign related parties
- U.S. ownership of foreign corporations and partnerships
- Using treaties to mitigate tax costs of cross-border transactions